
  • Debunking the Claim That Puerto Rico’s Tax Benefits Are “Hype” or “Too Good to Be True”
When the United States began its relationship with Puerto Rico and the other Territories in the Caribbean in 1898, they were poor and had been economically oppressed. The US government sought to help create financial independence with economic development policies. This was not wholly altruistic. If the Territories were not financially independent, they would be a burden on the federal government.



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When trouble hit paradise, Nissman was there

David Marshall Nissman began his career as a student intern in the Lane County, Ore., district attorney’s office in 1976. He was not a typical student prosecutor.
In those days, insanity and diminished-intent defenses were much more common than they are today. Nissman made a study of these defenses, doing the research for senior prosecutors that enabled them to effectively cross-examine experts.

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ST. THOMAS – U.S. Attorney David Nissman, the top federal law enforcement official in the Virgin Islands, will retire later this month after 28 years of public service as a state and federal prosecutor.